I got burned once doing direct sales, and I was really worried about joining another DS Company. So I wanted something that I knew I could succeed in. I figured out what I wanted and began looking. The number one thing I wanted was something I hadn't heard of. Something that I didn't already know countless reps for. I wanted to find consumable products that people continually needed.
After all, residual income works best with consumable products.
During my search I found jewelry In Candles. This company intrigued me for a few reasons, and not just for the low key requirements which were so much better then the rest.
1- I wasn't hindered in my customer base by having only people who liked make-up, only females over the age of 18, or fashionista's. No matter what type of person I came across, almost everyone enjoys candles and tarts.
2- Jewelry In Candles stand out. Unlike other candle companies, this company has a surprise inside. You can choose a ring in your size, a necklace, or earrings. Prize candles and tarts even have prizes inside such as xboxs, massages, gift cards and more. Other candle companies do not.
3- JIC nation is a family. Sure, every DS company says that, but I always see other reps compete for customers. In JIC we all share ideas, we boost each other up, help each other out, and do not stick to only helping our down lines. We never compete over down lines, and we are always there for our fellow reps.
4- The potential growth is huge. JIC has about 8,500 reps WORLDWIDE. The average direct sales company has millions if not billions of reps. Can you imagine where the first 8,000 reps from those companies are now?
If you have been interested in Jewelry In Candles please message me. Below I have a few links to choose from. I can share info on commission, average monthly sales I get, how easy it is to get your own team, and much much more. There is no obligations of course, just information if you want it.
I hope JIC is the perfect fit for you. :)
VIPS group